Community Cleveland is a place for the friends of God to dream about the things that he is putting in the hearts of simple people. It's a place to be honest and to find truth. What is church? Why church? Does church work? Let's find out together and see what Jesus will do among friends.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Villiage thinking...

What's all this talk about "the village"? Have you heard it? I have. I hear men in business suits and ministers in white collars talking about the village and about tribes; who's tribe is who's and which tribe their in. No one in loinclothes, no huts or teepees, not even so much as a campfire. What is it they're talking about?

I think that what they're talking about a mindset. Here's what I mean. Walk through downtown Cleveland or any other major city on any given day and you'll see it. People who don't make eye contact with each other, who run into each other without an "excuse me" or "oh I'm sorry". This is not village thinking. This is "downtown thinking"... who can I beat, can I get there first, will today be they day when they pick me instead of everyone else? I just drove through Chicago over the weekend during rush hour in a huge van, try merging into another lane with the "downtowners" trying to get home from work it was almost impossible.

Village life is slower, more deliberate. You don't exist in the same place all alone without crossing paths with others. You see the same little group of people day after day, year after year. You can't hide. People know you, they know your stuff. It's not like that downtown. Villages always have a fire right? Over the ages fire has represented life and the center of existence around the world. Now I hope you don't think that they did searched for a "incendiary specialist", worked out a benefits package and had him show up to keep the fire going. The village kept the fire going. It was a group effort. People gathered wood, stoked the fire, cooked over it, were warmed by it. Families keep fires going. Village thinking says that I am my brothers keeper and I need to watch out for him. When my neighbor is in need and I have the ability to meet that need, I do. In the big city people either "don't make it" or "slip through the cracks". In the village there is a sense of personal responsibility that many times is obviously absent from the city.

Have you ever watched the movie "The Village" by M. Night Shyamalan? I have and though it's another topic altogether I think he's a genius with film.


Anyway the Village is a place created by men. Because of hurt and a sense of loss they decide to create a place that is like something out of the early 18oo's in the year 2004 in order to try to insulate themselves from further pain. The long and short of it is, they can't. Just see the movie, you'll see what I mean. The bottom line... they couldn't take it downtown and didn't no how to escape it so they really tried to escape it literally. Here's the question though... ready? How do we live downtown with a village mentality?

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle. Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody.
Romans 12:9-16 (The Message)

How do we perceive the reality of our existence? Do we feel the need for human contact and interaction or do we mistakenly believe that we are alone and can only exist alone? These are pivotal questions for us to ask because they set us on a track toward or away from people.

The success that I'm looking for is not measured dollars and cents, in status or position. It's measured in friends gained or love sent and received. In knowing this God and living for him. In changing lives one at time because of love. Let's slow down and go back to the "village" even if we live "downtown". There's life in the village.


Blogger Nathan said...

I saw the village about 3 attempts. Kept falling asleep due to tiredness, a shame cause it looked like a nice movie. I saw 80% of it.

Hey will you let me buy you and your wife & father-in-law or any of the above lunch @ Slyman's on Monday?

12:27 PM


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